
Benefits to the Public

Join for FREE! Wellness Heroes – promotes lifestyles that can improve mind, body, spirit, community and planet

Save thousands of dollars while buying healthier products and services!

Any member of the public who is interested in the health and wellness of themselves, their loved ones and the planet will love the Wellness Heroes Community, News letters and the NEW Greenthing-e™ rewards device. (for more details see )  

You can use your consumer power to support companies that provide products and services that may improve health and wellness have less impact on the planet.

Do you know someone who would qualify as a Wellness Hero? Someone who really helps people and our planet? Then nominate them so that all the world’s “Wellness Heroes”  can be given that extra bit of recognition that they deserve and more importantly inspire others through leadership. 

Contests, giveaways, discounts…All this and a great way to support the participating charity of your choice. 

A basic membership is FREE!

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